Year 4

Year 4 students have been super busy in the past three weeks. They had school camp, an incursion and assessments to conclude this extremely busy Term 3.

On 6th and 7th of September, Year 3 and Year 4 students went to Billabong Ranch Adventure Park in Echuca as part of their school camp. The camp provided opportunities for all students to improve their independent living and social skills. It made a valuable contribution to their overall development and increased their self-esteem. They were not allowed to take devices like phones and I-pads with them. It gave them a chance to socialize and mingle with other students. They enjoyed participating in a range of activities like trivia walk, horse riding, archery, low ropes, paddle boats, animal nursery and commando course. They loved it and are now looking forward to their next year’s school camp.

On the 12th of September, Life Education Van visited our school. Year 4/5 students participated in an incursion delivered by a Life Educator. They attended ‘B Cyberwise’ session. They learned about the importance of being safe and respectful whilst learning and having fun online. They gained knowledge about cyber safety, cyber security and cyber ethics. They also learnt about cyberbullying and what to do if they or their friends experience cyberbullying or are being cyberbullied themselves.

They completed all their assessments for this term and reports will be mailed during the term break. Please do not forget to book parent teacher interviews scheduled in Week 2 of Term 4 to discuss students’ progress. A paper note was sent home with students about the details of the booking website.

Encourage children to read every day, practice their times tables and promote them to use Mathletics and Reading Eggs more often. They can do heaps of online activities on these programs in addition to the work assigned by their teachers.

Have a relaxing, happy and safe holiday!

Year 4 Activities

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Year 4 Teacher